Happy Tuesday! I skipped my updates via webpage last week, and I apologize!! But I’m back, and here with my theme for this week and an official announcement. If you want more details on anything below, check out my Facebook Page for the LIVE I did last night (and that I do each week at 8 PM EST on Mondays)!!
So, ready for the Official Announcement ?!? I’ll be launching my Monthly Newsletter at the end of THIS MONTH! Each month’s newsletter will contain updates and goodies for you! I won’t be spamming you, or constantly sending emails out, either! It will just be the once a month newsletter! This first edition is going to include details on how to enter an EXCLUSIVE CHARACTER CONTEST for my upcoming novel! You can ONLY participate in this contest if you are a Newsletter Subscriber!! If you have EVER wanted to have a character named after YOU in a book, now’s your chance! It’s going to be amazing! To sign up and make sure you’re in the know … simply click here: http://eepurl.com/di6Zef
**P.S. If you haven’t read Protected, and would like to snag the first 2 chapters for FREE AND sign up for the Monthly Newsletter at the same time, then this is the link you’ll want to use: http://bit.ly/2EgYs1r.
So, there you go on the Official Announcement!
Now, if you’ve been following me on Social Media in 2018, you know that each week I have a theme I chat about on my social media channels. Every few weeks, I focus on one of my books and we have now made it through the Ariya Adams Trilogy to Book 3, Sacrificed! For those of you who have been with me since the beginning of my writing journey, with my first novel Protected (Book 1 in the Ariya Adams Trilogy), you waited a looonnnggg time for Sacrificed to come out! Hopefully it was worth the wait, and you’ve had a chance to read it! It’s available on Amazon in e-book, paperback AND it’s part of the Kindle Unlimited Program! (Find it here!!)
As I have mentioned in other topics and posts, a LOT happened to me personally in between the release of Awakened and the release of Sacrificed. Not just that, but the style and way I approached Sacrificed was completely different from both Protected and Awakened. For the first two books in the trilogy, I sat down and wrote them from start to finish … no outline, no set plan, nothing!! With Sacrificed, I had the beginning written, and I had the end written. The problem was working backwards and figuring out the middle. I did not like writing that way! Haha. It was something I learned about myself during the hiatus and my writing journey — I work much better going from beginning to end!!
But, it all worked out in the end because Sacrificed is out and the Ariya Adams Trilogy is complete. Have you had a chance to read it yet? What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear from you!!
Stay tuned this week as I’ll share more behind the scenes information on the third and final book in the Ariya Adams Trilogy. And pay close attention to my Facebook & Instagram pages on Wednesday for a giveaway announcement & opportunity !
Have a great week!!
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